For adventurers who want a thorough experience of Nubian Culture and Northern Sudan we have complied an 11 day travel schedule. Every day is a new adventure, if you have any special requests let us know and we can adjust the itinerary.
Day One : Wadi Halfa

Arrive on the ferry in Wadi Halfa. We welcome you at the harbor and spend the afternoon with introductions, free time in Wadfi Halfa market and one night at the Wadi Half a hotel.
Note: The Aswan, Egypt to Wadi Halfa, Sudan ferry arrives every Tuesday, so if you want to come by ferry this 11 day tourism program will start on a Tuesday and end on a Friday.
Day Two: Abri & Sai Islands

We drive in a comfortable 2007 4-wheel drive Land Cruiser through the “The belly of the rock” in Nubian dessert to Abri. We will stop and enjoy the dessert, Nile scenes, Nubian villages.

We take a launch to Abri, and then cross to Sai Island where we have dinner and rest one night in the Nubian house in Sai Island.
Day Three: Castles, Queen’s Temple of Sadenga & Temple of Ammenophese in Sulib
In the morning we visit the relics of the Pharoanic, and Ottoman era castles, the cathedral and, tombs from Kerma time. We cross the Nile by ferry and take a short drive to visit the temple of Sadenga, the queen Tee temple Sulib, and take a launche to visit the temple of Ammenophese the third. We have dinner and spend the night at the Nubian house in Sulib.
Day Four : Temple of Ekhnaton, Rock Drawings of Sebu and Mesida, Statue of Tohotmosis III.
In the morning we drive to Sesibi to visit the temple Ekhnaton, we take a launch across the Nile to Delgo and Drive to see the rock drawings of Sebu, drive to Mesida, see the more rock drawings and the church, drive to the unfinished statue and the inscriptions of Tohotmosis III in Tombus, this includes other Napa tan and pharoanic inscriptions. We have lunch at a restaurant in Kerma before visiting the western Duffufa. We end the day by driving out to Kawa and sleep under the stars or in tents in a desert camp.
Day Five: Saturday. Amon temple of Taharka, Old Dongul
We start the day with a visit to the Amon temple of Taharka in Kawa then we go see the relics of the Christian period of Makoria kingdom in Old Dongula, including the palace, the cathedral and an old church. We spend another night camping in the desert.
Day Six: Dongula . Karima . Kurru
In the morning we finish the visits in Old Dongula and drive to Karima through the Nubian dessert. When we arrive in Karima we will visit the local market and eat lunch in the souk. In the afternoon we visit the Royal cemeteries in Kurru and overnight at a local house in Karima.
Day Seven: Karima . Nuri . Gazali .Bayoda dessert .Atbra Meroe Pyramids
In the morning climb Jebel Barkal, visit the Amon temple and the Taharka temple. Then we drive to Nuri to see the Taharka Pyramids of Napatan kings and queens. Drive to Gazali to see the deer then on through the Bayoda desert to Atbra where we have lunch in a resteraunt. After lunch we take a drive to Meroe to see the Amon temple, Roman bath and sauna rooms, the places for processing iron.Before nightfall we visit a few of the pyramids of Meroe to whet the appetite and spend the evening in a tent.
Day Eight: Meroe Pyramids .Royal city . Meroe .Shendi .Musswarat .Naga .6th Cataract
Day eight starts early with a sunrise visit to the Royal city, Shendi town, then we make our way to the local market, and lunch in a restaurant. Then we roam around visit the Lion temple in Musswarat, the Amon temple in Naga,and visit the roman kiosk before driving to the 6th cataract. We spend the night in a farm along the Nile, with shelters.
Day Nine: 6th Cataract . Khartoum
In the morning we take a Nile trip around the cataract area. Then we head to the capital city of Khartoum. It’s a long drive so we have lunch at a nice little restaurant enroute. We get you settled in your hotel and you are free to roam around the city. We will meet up and have dinner outside in the luxurious Regency Hotel Restaurant.
Day Ten : Sight Seeing around Khartoum
We start the morning with a visit to the National Museum, Khalifa house, Mahdi tomb, and the Local market in Omdurman. We have lunch at one of the restaurants along the way. You can rest for a bit in the hotel before we visit the ethnography museum in Khartoum. We end the evening with a farewell dinner.
Day Eleven : Dervish dance, airport
The Hamid-El-Nil Dervishes only dance on Friday so we will end your trip with a flourish of Sufism before another farewell dinner at restaurant and we take you to the Khartoum Airport. We will say goodbye but hope to see you again.